View table: ItemCargo

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. image - File
  3. is_activated - Boolean
  4. quote - String
  5. costume - File
  6. description - Wikitext
  7. quality - Integer
  8. tags - List of String, delimiter:
  9. recharge - Integer
  10. id - Integer
  11. shop_price - Integer
  12. devil_price - Integer
  13. unlocked_by - String

This table has 38 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name image is activated quote costume description quality tags recharge id shop price devil price unlocked by
Ancient Technology (edit) Ancient Technology
No Relict of Time
  • Two lasers are fired alongside normal Isaac shots
  • Lasers are angled towards the initial shooting direction and move away from Isaac
  • they deal 20 % of Isaac's damage
3 summonable offensive tech 8 15 1 Ancient Technology
Apollyon's Horns (edit) Apollyon's Horns
No You fell void
  • When entering a new floor, items left on the previous floor will be consumed and give Isaac 2 random stats per item, akin to Void.png Void.
2 36 15 1
Broken Hourglass (edit) Broken Hourglass
No Time Control
  • -0.3 Shot Speed.png Shot Speed
  • Enemies are slowed when Isaac isn't moving or shooting
3 summonable offensive 3 15 1
Calotte (edit) Calotte
No Have faith my child

Tears leave a damaging trail of light behind them

2 summonable offensive 17 15 1
Can of Tar (edit) Can of Tar
No Gooey Tears
  • Chance to fire a tar tear that scales with Luck.png Luck
  • Tar tears create tar bubbles that burst into tears after enemies or Isaac steps on them.
  • They will also burst after a certain amount of time
1 summonable offensive 26 15 1
Card Game (edit) Card Game
No If Only I Had Friends...
  • Spawns a TreasureCard.png treasure card, a MonsterCard.png monster card and a LootCard.png loot card
  • Increases chance of finding four souls cards
1 27 15 1
Carrion (edit) Carrion
No Years of Decay
  • Isaac's tears now have an aura of smaller, wiggling tears
3 summonable offensive 18 15 1
Champion Mush (edit) Champion Mush
No Harder to kill
  • Isaac gains random effects that change periodically
  • The effects are based on champion enemies
1 summonable mushroom 21 15 1
Conscience (edit) Conscience
No You regret everything
  • -0.5 Damage.png Damage
  • Isaac's damage is increasing over time and goes up to 2x damage
    • After killing an enemy or taking damage damage bonus is reset
2 summonable 1 15 1
Dead Womb (edit) Dead Womb
No Stillborn shoot
  • 10% chance to fire fetus tear that will spawn a dying baby upon contact.
  • Dying baby will orbit enemies and will block all projectiles.
  • Baby will explode after a while
1 nolostbr 31 15 1
Demon's Eye (edit) Demon's Eye
No Gaze into the darkness
  • Transparent tears come from off-screen and follow Isaac
    • Tears disappear after touching Isaac
0 summonable offensive 16 15 1
Enlightenment (edit) Enlightenment
No Unlimited Knowledge
  • Every enemy has a chance to be turned into a SephirothFam.png Sephiroth familiar
  • Sephiroth Familiars orbit Isaac, dealing damage and stopping bullets
  • They die after taking damage or blocking projectiles 3 times
1 summonable 15 15 1
Followers (edit) Followers
No They're growing in number
  • Grants a Follower that follows us and shoots tears
  • Grants an extra follower for every other familiar
  • Isaac can have up to 6 followers
2 30 15 1
Glass Heart (edit) Glass Heart
Yes Don't Break it
  • Grants a SoulHeartUI.png Soul Hearts
  • After taking damage turns into a GlassHeartBroken.png Broken Glass Heart
    • Broken Glass Heart can be repaired after clearing ‎Recharge 2.png 2 rooms‎
3 nolostbr 4 84 15 1
God's Wrath (edit) God's Wrath
No Thunder, lightning, cloud and smoke
  • While firing, Isaac will occasionally summon a controllable marker.
  • After 3 seconds, lightning will strike the marker, causing an explosion and dealing damage to all enemies in a large radius.
1 32 15 1
Golden Cross (edit) Golden Cross
No Praise the lord
  • 10% chance to fire a golden tear that gives hit enemies a godhead aura on impact.
  • Godhead aura deals damage to other enemies in a small radius.
1 summonable offensive 37 15 1
Hydrosis (edit) Hydrosis
No Rise!
  • Missed tears are converted into WaterSpirit.png water familiars
  • Water Familiars chase enemies and disappear after a short amount of time
  • They deal 25% of the original tear's damage
2 summonable offensive 9 15 1
Inner Demon (edit) Inner Demon
No Darkness Inside
  • After taking damage enemies are pushed back and briefly scared
  • Isaac will start to shoot a huge barrage of demon tears around.
0 nolostbr 29 15 1
Keeper's Noose (edit) Keeper's Noose
No The only exit
  • Entering a room spawns as many blue flies as there are enemies.
1 summonable nogreed 32 15 1
Lamb Skull (edit) Lamb Skull
No Sacrifice for god
  • Gives Isaac a dark aura
  • Enemies killed within the dark aura are turned into dark spirits.
  • Dark spirits chase down enemies and deal contact damage.
3 summonable offensive 34 15 1
Math Problem (edit) Math Problem
No I don't know
  • Randomly changes Isaac's Damage.png Damage
    • Damage modifier ranges anywhere from 0.5x to 1.7x
1 summonable offensive 2 15 1
Megaphone (edit) Megaphone
No Cry Louder
  • Creates a soundwave around Isaac that pushes away nearby projectiles and enemies.
  • Activates when a projectile is close to Isaac
0 summonable 10 15 1
Monocle (edit) Monocle
No Magnify Your Tears
  • Hovers in front of Isaac and magnifies his tears and lasers
  • Magnified tears deal 1.5x of original damage and move faster
2 summonable offensive 14 15 1
Moon Rock (edit) Moon Rock
Yes Sweet Dreams
  • Activates the dream state and turns all of the enemies that have more than 70 % health into dream champions
    • Dream champions move and attack two times faster
  • Killing them provides a small stat up based on their max health
    • Granted stat ups are only active during the dream state
4 offensive 2 102 15 1 Moon Rock
Mutation (edit) Mutation
No Demon Tears
  • Isaac now shoots BrimBall.png Brimstone Balls instead of regular tears
  • They slide along the floor and damage enemies
  • Dealing damage makes them smaller until they disappear
2 summonable offensive 12 15 1
Old Clock (edit) Old Clock
No Time is passing...
  • Each time Isaac fires a tear additional tear is also fired in a clock-like style
2 offensive 23 15 1
Paimon's Mark (edit) Paimon's Mark
No The one pulling the strings
  • +1 Black Heart
  • Enemies are passively pulled towards bombs and floor hazards.
0 summonable offensive 38 15 1
Parasite Eggs (edit) Parasite Eggs
No Invading Shot
  • Chance to fire a parasite egg that scales with Luck.png Luck
  • Parasite eggs create maggots upon impact that will jump from enemy to enemy damaging them
  • Chance starts at 10% and is capped at 40% with 12 luck
1 summonable offensive 7 15 1
Plastic Knife (edit) Plastic Knife
No DMG up 2 offensive 19 15 1
Purple Skull (edit) Purple Skull
No Cursed ones will obey you
  • Grants cursed wisps that orbit Isaac
    • Wisps try to follow Isaac's attacks
3 offensive 25 15 1
Schizophrenia (edit) Schizophrenia
No I can see my demons
  • Stationary Delusion.png Delusion familiars that shoot homing tears will begin to spawn randomly around the room
  • The closer Isaac is to them the weaker their tears are
  • If Isaac is close enough they disappear
2 offensive 28 15 1
Shampoo (edit) Shampoo
No My Eyes!
  • +0.15 Tears.png Tears
  • Tears turn into bubbles that burst into smaller tears after a short amount of time
    • Chance for additional bubbles to appear alongside regular tears
  • Tears that burst from bubbles will fly in Isaac's firing direction
3 summonable offensive tearsup 5 15 1
Small Knives (edit) Small Knives
No Sharp Shot
  • +0.7 Damage.png Damage
  • +0.1 Shot Speed.png Shot Speed
  • Tears are turned into penetrative knives
  • Killed enemies leave a blood projectile that flies with the knife
3 summonable offensive 6 15 1
Soaked Sponge (edit) Soaked Sponge
No Fire rate up + You feel alive
  • +0.5 Fire Rate
  • Isaac can no longer take damage from enemies or hazards in cleared rooms.
2 tearsup 33 15 1
Syrup (edit) Syrup
No Medicine!
  • Drops a Pill.png Pill on pickup
  • Causes an additional random pill effect after using a pill
1 4 15 1
Testament (edit) Testament
No Lass Will
  • After getting hit lost Red Heart.png hearts will be dropped and have special effects depending on their type
1 dead nokeeper nolostbr 20 15 1
Wedding Ring (edit) Wedding Ring
No You feel It's Aura
  • +0.3 Tears.png Tears
  • Tears orbit on a ring around Isaac
  • Releasing the fire button makes all tears fly in the firing direction
  • Pressing the drop button will prevent tears from latching onto the orbit
2 mom 13 15 1
Wellingtons (edit) Wellingtons
No Splash
  • Causes water drops that create puddles upon impact to fall
  • When Isaac steps into the puddles it turns into a volley of tears that splash around
1 summonable offensive 11 15 1