Wedding Ring

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Wedding Ring is a passive item


  • +0.3 Tears.png Tears
  • Grants Isaac a wide light ring around him
  • When he's firing his tears start orbiting around him when they the ring
  • After releasing the fire button all Tears are fired off in the last firing direction
  • Tears have increased range on the ring but they eventually fall down
    • After releasing tears their range is reverted to the base value
  • Pressing the drop button will prevent tears from latching onto the orbit


  • Brimstone.png Brimstone: A brimstone ring is fired alongside the laser
  • Technology.png Technology: A small technology beam quickly orbits the player
  • Tech X.png Tech X: 8 bloody tears follow and orbit fired ring laser
  • Dr. Fetus.png Dr. Fetus: the bomb orbits the player, but won't explode until Isaac releases it
  • Ludo.png Ludovico Technique: Controlled tear can latch onto the orbit
  • Mom's Knife.png Mom's Knife: When the knife crosses with the ring it creates two tears on the orbit moving in opposite directions
