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Enlightenment is a passive item


  • Isaac has Luck.png Luck based chance to turn killed enemy into a SephirothFam.png Sephiroth familiar
    • Chance starts at 5% and is capped at 30% with 8 Luck.png Luck
    • Sephiroth familiars orbit Isaac, deal contact damage and block projectiles
      • Sephiroth deals 4 contact damage per hit
    • Each time Sephiroth collides with an enemy or blocks bullets it gets damaged
    • Sephiroth dies after taking 3 hits
  • Isaac can have up to 6 Sephiroth familiars


  • BFFS.png BFFS: Increases the size of Sephiroth familiars visually, but does not change their hitboxes nor buff them in any way.
